On a cold and frosty morning AWTE  –  Association of Women Travel Executives gathered at the Hilton Hotel, Dublin Airport for a journey with a difference – a journey inwards!

For the first AWTE event of 2018 Alison Canavan, an international model now turned motivational speaker  gave the room of over 40 ladies a tailored version of her well known and successful workshops – The full 360 series.

Gratitude featured a lot and I was reminded that I have a gratitude journal which I am now going to resurrect again!  If you haven’t got one I highly recommend it.  Alison is living proof it works too. We heard about good nutrition and just how important it is for healthy living both mind and body – good mood foods are a must . I am planning on changing my food pattern and found the information a great help.  On reading Alison’s booklet I noticed a quote from Ann Wigmore which stuck in my mind…..

“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison” 

We heard about the importance of who we surround ourselves with – “Our vibe attracts our tribe”!   Its so true and its very important to keep away from toxic surroundings and people.  I have been on my own journey for quite a number of years and I’m still under construction however everything Alison spoke about reinforced in me the importance of the practice of self care and mindfulness on a daily basis.

One thing I definitely took with me from this workshop was in relation to my mobile phone and to keep tech out of the bedroom.  It is conducive to the importance of good sleep and relationships.  I have since removed my mobile phone from the bedroom. I must admit though I am suffering a little separation anxiety.!

During the morning we also participated in some meditation and had a stretch/refresh break which was fun. I thoroughly enjoyed the morning, and would highly recommend Alison Canavan.  Most of us are planning on buying the old reliable alarm clock now for the bedside !!  And as Alison says  –

” Remember to shine bright, as everyday is a chance to start again and mind yourself  – you matter”!!




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